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Gandhi Solar Park and Gandhi Peace Garden

at the headquarters of the  United Nations. - new york 50 kilowatt ‘Gandhi Solar Park’ On the occasion,  a special UN Postage stamp on Gandhi's 150 years  was also released. 
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Naropa Festival.

the annual week long Buddhist carnival Naropa festival, which was held near the Hemis Monastery. The Hemis Monastery is 11th-century world-famous monastary in Ladakh Ladakhi Shondol dance has created history by breaking into Guinness book of world records as the largest Ladakhi dance. -  royal dance of Ladakh Naropa Festival: 'Kumbh of Himalayas'  themed ‘Environmental sustainability of Ladakh and the Himalayan region’ Naropa  (11th century saint)was an Indian Scholar-Saint, who heralded the beginning of a rich tradition in Buddhist philosophy. His teachings of the Six Yogas of Naropa are one of the fundamental pillars of  Vajrayana Buddhist  tradition. It is also believed that Naropa was the gatekeeper of  Nalanda University  and posed questions on theology and philosophy to people who came for admission before deciding whether they deserved entrance or not. Highlights of the Festival  : The rare public display of six bone o...

Tiger Triumph

The  first-ever India-US joint tri services Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) exercise,  named  ‘Tiger Triumph’ , is being held from 13 th -21 st  November, 2019. The exercise will be conducted off  Visakhapatnam and Kakinada coasts  in Andhra Pradesh. It aims to develop interoperability for conducting HADR operations. Other joint exercises: Military training:  Yudh Abhyas and Vajra Prahar Air Forces:  Cope India Naval Exercise  along with Japan: Malabar India has previously only held tri-service exercises with Russia.-  Indra wargames 2017

Shramana tradition

Shramana means “seeker, one who performs acts of austerity, ascetic”. Shramana is a wandering monk in certain austere traditions of ancient India, including Jainism, Buddhism, and ajvika religion. The Shramana tradition gave rise to Jainism and Buddhism. The Shramanas adopted a path that is alternate to the Vedic rituals to achieve salvation, while renouncing domestic life. The Shramana tradition was responsible for the related concepts of saṃsāra (the cycle of birth and death) and moksha (liberation from that cycle). The Shramanas typically engaged three types of activities like austerities, meditation, and associated theories. Śramaṇas held a view of samsara as full of suffering (Dukka). They practiced Ahimsa and rigorous ascetism. They believed in Karma and Moksa and viewed rebirth as undesirable.

Statutory Civil Service

Lord Lytton introduced the Statutory Civil Service in 1878-79. one-sixth of covenanted posts to be filled by Indians of high families through nominations by local governments subject to approval by the secretary of State and the viceroy. Members of Statutory Civil Service had lower status and lower salary and this became the subject to criticism. Aitcheson Commission 1886 on Civil Services recommended for its abolition and finally it was abolished in 1887-88. Recommendations of Aitchision Commission: ▪ The two-tier classification of civil services into covenanted and uncovenanted should be replaced by a three-tier classification (Imperial, provincial and subordinate civil services). ▪ The maximum age for entry into civil services should be 23 years. ▪ The statutory civil service system of recruitment should be abolished. ▪ The competitive exam should not be held simultaneously in England and India ▪ Certain percentage of posts in the imperial civil service should be fil...

Mughal Administration

Under the Mughal rule there were the Faujdars who helped in maintaining law and order, and Amils who were basically revenue collectors but had to contend with rebels, if any. The kotwal was responsible for maintenance of law and order in the cities. • In 1774, Warren Hastings restored the institution of faujdars and asked the zamindars to assist them in suppression of dacoits, violence and disorder. • In 1808, Lord Mayo appointed a Superintendent of Police (SP) for each division helped by a number of spies (goyendas) but these spies committed depredations on local people.

Anglo French Wars in India - Carnatic wars

As a result of these military contests, the British East India Company established its dominance among the European trading companies within India.  The French company was pushed to a corner and was confined primarily to  Pondichéry .  The East India Company's dominance eventually led to control by the British Company over most of India and eventually to the establishment of the   British Raj . First Carnatic War (1746–1748) Battle of Adyar In the  Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748) , Madras was given back to the British in exchange for the French fortress of  Louisbourg  in  North America , which the British  had captured .  The war was principally notable in India as the first military experience of  Robert Clive , who was taken prisoner at Madras but managed to escape, and who then participated in the defence of Cuddalore and the siege of Pondicherry. Second Carnatic War (1749–1754) [ edit ] In 1751, however,...